AgroPro Drone
Agricultural Drone Technology Awareness Training for industry Professionals.
The AgroPro project aspires to provide the agriculture professionals acquaintance with the available airborne technology & software as well as with UAV international legislation & regulations. The acquaintance with mission planning & the available open source and commercial tools.
Work Packages

Work Package 1
Project Management
During the initial stages of the project, the consortium prepares all details needed to ensure smooth cooperation and an effective project implementation. The first work package pertains to Project Management which ensures that the activities are designed, implemented, and evaluated in an accessible and inclusive way. Furthermore, it lays out a plan for dealing with risk while controlling budgets and managing time. As a final step, digital tools are defined to facilitate activities and practices that are incorporated into the project.

Work Package 2
An e-Guide listing new career paths in agriculture thanks to drones
The aim of this work package is the elaboration of a career e-Guide, which will summarize the new professions emerged in the agricultural sector due to the technological advancement in the drone industry. It will be aimed at educational institutions, with a specific focus on Training and Lifelong Learning Centers, career offices, and tutors, and other agricultural sector stakeholders. The e-Guide will support agriculture professionals interested in further career development connected to the rapid development of drone technologies. With this project result partners will identify the gap between current and required levels of knowledge and skills; understand and document the fundamentals of the new occupational profiles; identify the necessary learning outcomes that accompany the occupational profiles; provide a comprehensive e-Guide.

Work Package 3
A competence Framework and Competence Assessment indicators
The goal is to construct a Competence Framework for agriculture professionals familiar with drone technology, driven by the European Qualifications Framework, which aims to make qualifications more accessible and comprehensible across countries and systems. A Competence Framework outlines and specifies each unique competency that is required by individuals in a business sector. The Competency Framework will focus on AgroPro specific competencies. The European e-Competence Framework will be used as a reference model. It contains four dimensions: competence areas; reference competences for each area; proficiency levels of each competence; and samples of knowledge and skills related to reference competences.

Work Package 4
A MOOC on the employment of UAVs and associated digital tools for sustainable agriculture
The main result of this work package is the MOOC that will include 3 units: “INFORM” Aimed at farmers who are not aware of career options associated with drones or that are aware of them & desire to use drones, but have difficulties with the procedures before starting & lack counseling support. The aim is to increase the possible career options for agriculture professionals & to give them information about the occupation they are interested in pursuing. “TRANSFORM” Containing information on how to transform the agricultural business using this new digital technology. “BENEFIT” This unit will guide beneficiaries on how to understand, process & use drones for their own needs.

Work Package 5
Dissemination & Communication
The main results of this work package are the development of a project dissemination & communication strategy with action plan, the creation of the project brand identity assets, the relevant exploitation & sustainability strategy, and the organization of 3 project events/mini conferences.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-EL01-KA220-VET-000088550